Road 96 Has Some Of The Best Storytelling In Gaming
Road 96 is an arduous road trip on the surface that unravels itself into a beautiful dark realistic political aesop across several runs.
Road 96 is an arduous road trip on the surface that unravels itself into a beautiful dark realistic political aesop across several runs.
The King of Fighters ‘98 Nothing’s gonna stop, it’s 1998! The Summer of 1998 was an important season for King of Fighters as the next… Continue readingThe Dream Match + NESTS Saga (1998 - 2001)
Uragun may be a short experience, but its familiar top down twin-stick action gameplay will leave fans wanting more despite replayability.
After what seemed to be a string of coincidences, one of Tekken 8's major influences happens to be the ever popular Naruto anime series.
Escape From The Red Planet is a simple tower defense game on paper, but like most Frosty Pop titles, aims to introduce the player to… Continue readingEscape From The Red Planet Is Perfect For Beginners
Wo Long Fallen Dynasty is an impressive spinoff of the Nioh franchise but it's severely lacking in content at the moment.
After a warm reception at PAX East 2023, Death Roads Tournament, the ambitious deck-building Mad Max-inspired roguelike enters Early Access.
Breaking the fourth wall to apologize for the terrible pun based on 20XX, a roguelike Mega Man-like that doesn't let up the challenge.
Mato Anomalies is a Cyberpunk noir RPG melting pot of various ideas, real world concepts, and genres that's sometimes easy to get lost into.
A colorful, cozy, and often comfortable experience is met with its fair share of struggles for ONI: Road to be the Mightiest Oni.
The 20th anniversary of one of highlights to the golden era of free-to-play multiplayer games, GunZ The Duel, is still celebrated today.
By the time the soldier reaches Lu Bu in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty, utilizing the village and blacksmith will be required in order to survive.
On the surface, Carnal is a one dollar FPS with a surprising amount of content. Deep down, it's an IT developer's self-made passion project.
Wo Long Fallen Dynasty uses the Nioh engine to retell the story of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, yet it's far more than its… Continue readingWo Long Fallen Dynasty Is Far More Than "Chinese Nioh"
With PAX East around the corner, here's an exclusive look at one of the games that will be featured at the event, Strayed Lights.
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