It’s amazing how time flies during the Summer as we are already in August and it will be almost two weeks since Otakon passed us. If you haven’t already, please check out my coverage of 2023’s event for more information about what I believe is one of the best “nerd culture” conventions to attend on the East Coast! I mentioned in our main coverage that I had the opportunity to interview not one but two special guests.
This lovely pair of talents has voiced an equally lovely pair of twins who have been here with us for over eight years. During Otakon weekend, I got a chance to talk to Bethan Walker and Colin Ryan, best known for their roles as Alisaie and Alphinaud Leveilleur. It would later be discovered that part of their reason for attending Otakon was for the Final Fantasy 14 fans as FanFest took place that same weekend in Las Vegas.
As most attendees weren’t able to attend the Square Enix Final Fantasy 14 two-day celebration, the intent was to bring the spirit of FanFest to those on the East Coast. The following day after our interview, I attended their panel and it was, indeed, what I’d expect of a “mini FanFest.” The Otakon staff was great at funneling lines, letting people in as people exited the panel room which was filled to capacity. Priority seating and accommodations were made to those with special needs and it was an overall enjoyable experience.

Twenty-four hours ago, in the second-floor press room of the connecting Marriot building, I asked them about their excitement in meeting fans, especially in an era where entertainment has seen a shift in dynamics. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many talents, developers, and others within the gaming industry to adjust while also battling with their own personal struggles. In the case of Walker and Ryan, both had found themselves grow not just as a talent but also as individuals, which was reflected in Endwalker.
Due to the nature of the interviews discussing dated topics within Final Fantasy 14, there will be mild spoilers that are only used for context. While this shouldn’t take away from the overall enjoyment of the game, it’s still something to be mindful of!
“How has it been voicing the same character from Heavensward up until now, which has been effectively over eight years?”
Bethan: Oh wow! It really has been that long! It’s been really special. Very few actors get to play characters as long as this. When we were cast, we didn’t know we would be playing these characters for this long and we still don’t know where the journey is going as you can imagine. So it’s been very special and it has had an impact on my life professionally. It’s probably the most influential job I’ve ever had.
“What have you done [aside from voicing Alisaie and Alphinaud]?”
Bethan: Lots of voice-over stuff, screen work, but in terms of having an impact in my life and being [at Otakon], y’know, most actors don’t get to do and go to places like this because of [Final Fantasy 14]
Colin: There’s one project I can’t speak about yet, but I am also cast for Hades 2 which I will be playing as Apollo!
“Is this your first Otakon?”
Bethan: It is!
“Have you heard of [Otakon] before?”
Bethan: I did! I knew a bit about it but to come here for the first time and meet everyone and be here as a guest is amazing.
Colin: Yeah it has been quite a while hasn’t it? It’s been remarkable. When I first auditioned [for Final Fantasy 14] I had no idea it would go on for as long as it had. I’m not a gamer, which I think many have picked up on by now. I haven’t played [Final Fantasy 14], so it’s mind-blowing it has gone on as long as it has, the reach it has, and the passion from the fans, and it has been fun to do this along with Bethan as well.

“So, obviously you two aren’t blood-related, but you do play siblings and have been playing them for a long time. Have you felt any sort of familiarity with Bethan over the years?”
Colin: It’s funny because even though we’ve been [voicing these characters] for the past eight, nine years or so, we [Bethan] have only met last year. It was very surreal because when we first met it was almost as if we knew each other forever. We heard each other's voices in game [Each session is individual from the other] so there was familiarity there.
It didn’t take long for us to strike up a friendship because Bethan also doesn’t play video games. It’s been really useful to have her along on this journey as we both learn about the fandom as newcomers.
“What was the idea behind bringing ‘a bit of Fanfest’ to Otakon? How did that come about?”
Bethan: So we were invited [to Otakon] a while back and it’s a first for [Colin and I] so we were thrilled to be asked. I’m very aware it’s a big weekend, a big weekend for Final Fantasy [14] fans, but the people that come to see our panel and the ones who see us [in meet and greet sessions] are really big fans of the game. For us, it’s such a privilege to be here in terms of meeting people, which is one of my favorite things.
Colin: We only found out after we agreed to Otakon that Fanfest happened to take place at the same time! On the same weekend! So it’s brilliant that we could be there for the fans who could only make it to Otakon.
“How does it feel voicing the same character for as long as you have in terms of growing with them [Alisaie & Alphinaud] from Stormblood to Endwalker?”
Bethan: It’s been a huge arc hasn’t it? I think emotionally I’m beginning to dig a little bit deeper with her as the recordings go on. We don’t get a lot of warning when we come in nor much time with the script so we have to be hot on it in terms of making quick decisions emotionally. [Alisaie] has grown and I’ve grown with her. I’ve been about eight years older since I started and there have been changes in my personal life.
I often find that what’s going on in your personal or professional life, you tend to bring it into the studio with you. We’re human beings, so I choose to use what makes me human into my work. I’m blessed that [Alisaie] is as colorful as she is, so she’s really fun to play.

“During the Digital Fanfest held in 2021, there were several announcements ahead of [Patch 5.3 of Shadowbringers] including Masayoshi Soken announcing his remission from cancer. During his hospitalization, he continued to work on songs for the patch, including “To The Edge.” Voice actors were also going through their own struggles as I can imagine. How did the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown affect your work during development?”
Colin: Wow I had no idea of the full story. The lockdown was difficult for everyone in many different ways. I’ve been on my own journey with Alphinaud and that period made people re-evaluate things a lot. It happened to me and what happened in my personal life fed into Alphinaud as well.
The response from fans as well has been incredible and supportive, especially when my brother passed away last year. They were instrumental in helping me raise money for his medical bills and other necessities when he was in Thailand so I can’t thank the community enough for all they have done for me during those times.
Bethan: I think [Soken] was a good reminder that we are all human beings and some people get ill. Jobs are jobs and they continue [indefinitely] but our lives [are short in comparison].To see a man who is such a massive part of [Final Fantasy 14] and adored by hundreds and thousands of people. Witnessing their reaction to that was what hit me.
The pandemic certainly took a lot out of us but we’re still in it. It was quite traumatic if I’m being honest. Very few people sailed through that unscathed but that’s what I meant about carrying [that emotion] in the studio. The feeling of being locked down in that way was quite tough emotionally for a lot of people and I chose to tap into that for my work. We worked [in the studio] for a bit during the pandemic to record and I recall I used that quite a bit myself.

“What do you feel were the best versions of [Alisaie and Alphinaud] that you've played which made you go 'This is me, I've finally become one with my character'?”
Bethan: Oh there’s a lot. Wow.
“I know it’s like asking to pick your favorite child!”
Bethan: Okay I’ll try to answer this one carefully, but there was a scene, with Alphinaud, in Endwalker. Not getting to spoilers, but, having to dig deep within myself is such a privilege to have as an actor. To be in a role that tests you. I’ve been in this industry for quite a while now! But learning how to dig even deeper within. Some of the more emotional stuff with Alphinaud in recent years. Those kinds of scenes have been mega exciting for me.
Colin: I think it’s gotten better and better as it has gone on hasn’t it? Endwalker in particular, I’ve had the best experience working on that. The writing was beautiful and seeing some of that emotional depth in characters that you don’t usually see in previous expansions was something that was a great experience to tap into.
It was at this point that I decided to have a bit of fun as time was wrapping up. There wouldn’t be another chance to ask them a goofy question, especially within character. I also understood that neither actors played the games themselves so it would be a bit of improv, but for a quick note of context. One of my favorite characters in Final Fantasy 14 is Yotsuyu goe Brutus, who debuted in Stormblood.
For reasons that I won’t say here as that is an article for another time, she became a subject of heated debate due to her morals as a villain character, something that also extends to the community. It’s just as comparable to being a fan of Alisaie and Alphinaud as characters, but other fan favorites include Haruchefant and Estinien.

I was wearing a Yotsuyu character pin that my friend at CHOKKOmiilk made for me that would serve as the foundation to ask the twins, what were their thoughts on the character.
Bethan: Hm. No comment! (Safe answer)
Colin: …Oh! What a pretty lady!
It was here that I fell out laughing because while I was well aware that Colin genuinely did not know the character, his answer was the exact same answer as poor Alphinaud would have given if caught off guard. Although our time together was brief, the minutes I shared with Bethan Walker and Colin Ryan offered me a bit more insight into how tight-knit everyone can be with each other.
Despite only meeting in person recently, to see everyone have closeness with each other in-game shows how skilled the voice director is as well as the talent themselves. With both Fanfest and Otakon behind us, it’s always a pleasure to interact with those who worked on the games that we become fans of over the years.
Thank you once again to Bethan, Colin, and of course the Otakon staff for making this all possible!