World War Z: Aftermath Is WWZ's Interesting Epilogue
The 2019 third-person zombie shooter based on the 2013 movie, World War Z, gets an upgrade in World War Z: Aftermath for the previous gen.
The 2019 third-person zombie shooter based on the 2013 movie, World War Z, gets an upgrade in World War Z: Aftermath for the previous gen.
After 11 years, the original developers of the zombie co-op Left 4 Dead, Turtle Rock Studios, releases its spiritual successor, Back 4 Blood
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl proves that the student can become a master by differentiating itself from its 'Smashing' inspiration (Not Nigel).
Far Cry 6 foregoes exotic tropical islands for the rugged Cuban-inspired cities located in the fictional region of Yara in its latest entry.
After 16 years from its original announcement, Metroid Dread finally becomes a reality for fans new and old. Samus never looked better.
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania celebrates over 20 years of Monkey Ball action, featuring several SEGA guest characters and retro stages.
The 20th anniversary of the WRC series is celebrated with WRC 10, making this the 6th game that KT Racing developed in the series.
The sequel to 2016's 3D action Ninja stealth game, Aragami 2 aims to bring more of its familiar gameplay to a wider audience than before.
FIFA boasts new HyperMotion Technology for the next-generation, offering incredible levels of realism, but is it enough for new players?
Return to Kamurocho as Yagami in Lost Judgment, the sequel to the Yakuza-spinoff Judgment. Releasing on all major consoles.
Next to take up the Hot Wheels mantle, the racing veterans at Milestone do a phenomenal job at bringing childhood to life with Unleashed.
Players get behind the wheel of modern and classic dragsters as they compete to be USA champion in Street Outlaws 2: Winner Takes All.
Ghostrunner's next-gen console port offers insane framerate, crisp visuals, and relentless difficulty for those looking for a challenge.
In Chernobylite, uncovering hidden truths come at the price of survival upon returning to the radioactive wastelands of Chernobyl.
A team-based fire fighting game. Embr is a humorous game by design, but leaves a lot to be desired on the Nintendo Switch.
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