Doraemon Story Of Seasons Is One Weird Crossover
Doreamon Story Of Seasons takes Marvelous' iconic Story of Seasons franchise and infuses it with an equally iconic Japanese anime series.
Doreamon Story Of Seasons takes Marvelous' iconic Story of Seasons franchise and infuses it with an equally iconic Japanese anime series.
Sifu, developed by the same people behind Absolver, seeks to continue their homage to wushu and cinema with its new "Roguelike" action game.
One Finger Death Punch 2, the kung-fu two button action game, makes its debut in a limited quantity physical PS4 release courtesy of VGNYsoft.
Train Sim World 2 Rush Hour is for the players who felt the annoyance of coming to and from work with various routes to vent… Continue readingTrain Sim World 2 Is A Public Transit Disaster
Dying Light 2: Stay Human is the long awaited sequel to the original parkour zombie horror. Is it leaps and bounds ahead?
From the creators of the Hyperdimension Neptunia remakes, Maglam Lord combines dungeon crawling, action rpgs, and romance in one small package
We take a look back at Codemaster's most recent game in its rally series, Dirt 5, and see how it stacks up over a year… Continue readingDirt 5 Is An Underrated Game Pass Arcade Racer
The long awaited ambitious fangame takes From Software's Bloodborne and reimagines it as a PS1 classic with Bloodborne PSX on the PC.
Following the introductory Common Route in Cupid Parasite, the game takes a sincere turn with Gill Lovecraft, one of the five personal routes.
The Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection which includes Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy finally receives their PS5 remastered versions.
The historic Pokémon Legends: Arceus, arguably Game Freak's most ambitious Pokémon project yet, finally releases on the Nintendo Switch.
A month later after looking at the Switch version, we return to Human: Fall Flat, this time via the PS5 version while comparing the two.
Blackwind is mindless hack-and-slash fun with enough bright visuals to keep arcade players entertained, despite its buggy mess at times.
Bandai Namco's iconic rhythm game series, Taiko no Tatsujin, releases on PC for the first time albeit with technical difficulties at launch.
Taking inspiration from The Legend of Zelda and Soulslike titles, Death's Door is an artistic representation of fun gameplay with a challenge
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