Alchemist Adventure
Alchemist Adventure is an action RPG that combines alchemy elements, as one can gather from the title, in what I can say is a deceptively simple game. You play as this alchemist named Mya who wakes up in an underground facility, without any memories of her past. Stripped of her gear, she rediscovers that she can transmute potions by combining various elements in bottles. The first element she has access to is fire, which allows her to create potions of that specific affinity. This includes bombs, elixirs, and oils.
Shortly after, she remembers that she was on a boat with her husband and child, yet a shipwreck caused her to become separated from her family. She then meets a homunculus who assists her in her journey. The main form of combat involves Mya's alchemy in crafting potions. Each potion can be mixed to add bonus effects depending on a combination of elements. Players can create a bomb that can cause bleeding while also dealing fire damage. Likewise, the player can add a healing property to the bomb that will cause initial fire damage and heal after a set amount.

There isn't any limit to what the player can create and there are times when the player can experiment with interesting ways to defeat enemies. Unless played on the highest difficulty, which eliminates campsites, the player can only restore health and save their game manually upon discovering certain campsites. Once the player learns how to make elixirs, the player can create health potions as long as they have the necessary components to fulfill the healing properties. It reminds me of the Atelier series in which players used alchemy to craft items that also had its benefits. The difference here is that the player can craft potions on the fly as they see fit.
The final method for potion alchemy is through sword oil. Mya can coat her sword with an element, giving her bonus damage against melee targets. Specific elements are also used to solve puzzles, an early example includes opening a door by lighting a torch with a fire potion. Once the player understands the potion crafting mechanics and learn how to navigate through the often cluttered menu system, Alchemist Adventure becomes an enjoyable experience. One of my complaints from the first hour of playing the game was that certain instructions weren't clear when it came to applying effects or accessing the quick potion menu wheel.

Another example is the homunculus companion that you get fairly early on. At first, the little guy appeared to not be of much help until I realized that I needed to switch control to the homunculus first. Then, by pressing the B button, I was able to charge an element which allowed him to attack passively. If I ever needed him to attack enemies that often swarmed me, I'd often have to stop myself, switch control, spam the button, and make sure I wasn't in harm's way myself. At some point, I figured it'd be easier to fight as normal while focusing too much on the companion guy. Apparently, it was created as a way for a second player to join in, but I think it should have behaved like a pet from Diablo that picked up loot automatically.
The player will be collecting a lot of loot and it all involves rolling around like Link, breaking boxes and crates while also killing critters to obtain various materials. While there seems to be an infinite number of elemental elements, the player constantly needs other materials to craft more potent potions. Players could save their best potions for more dangerous encounters, opting to use their sword to save on resources. Either strategy I found to be a valid one. What I enjoyed so far about Alchemist Adventure was that it felt like a classic ARPG.

There's a general direction for the player to go, but for the most part, the player can "explore" the area. They are encouraged to do so as players can occasionally find blueprints that not only give them bonus experience but also beneficial items that the player can craft with materials. If Diablo had a customization potion system that was integrated with its main gameplay, Alchemist Adventure would be the closest to it.
Overall, my time with Alchemist Adventure was a favorable one. It's been a while since I've played a more traditional ARPG that still has enough unique modern elements to keep me engaged. There aren't any roguelike elements where players "lose progress," and the story is fairly linear which is always a plus. I've become fond of the "self-discovery as the plot unfolds" plot as seen in other indie titles with this one being no exception. Definitely check this one out as a late stocking stuffer.

Alchemist Adventure is available on the Nintendo Switch, Sony PlayStation 4, Steam, and Xbox One.